Sonic Landscapes of Colour
Sonic Landscapes of Colours are a 9 episode series of audio recordings broadcasted on the BBC that I was asked to come up the visual style and branding for. I wanted to use the syncopation of sound to create the typography and the art itself. This project allowed so many stories to be told by voices from Devon, a county in SW London. It was very important to me to stay true and local I can with the imagery and the over all feel of everything. Proud to say that this was one of the most listened to audio series on the BBC Sounds app as well nominated for a ARIA.
Have a listen here (UK Only)
Have a listen here (UK Only)

Sonic Landscapes of Colour evolved over time from its intitial idea and branding to the landscapes which preminate the series as it is now. The textures and “scapes” of Devon become important to showcase just as much as the audio showcased the Youth and the SW.